My group just finished off an experiment in which we had to read data from the log of a KeySight 34450A Digital Multimeter.
I tried to read the data using different approaches. The KeySight bundle did not work with the instruments on AAU Esbjerg because apparently they are bought without a license.
I found out that you can connect the instrument to Matlab, and read the data this way. Unfortunately I didn’t get all of the data using this method, so I found another way.
First you have to download and install this piece of software.
Next you start the newly installed “Keysight connection Expert 2019“

In here you’ll find a tab on the left side, showing new and former connected instruments. If you have one instrument connected it should have a green mark on it.
Click the instrument and then in the right tab click “Interactive IO“.
A new windows opens where there is a textfield for writing commands. In this field you write the command: “DATA:DATA? NVMEM” and click “Send and read“.
The instrument will now write out all data saved in the log, you can now copy this into a file or program of your choice. Personally I saved the data into a .csv file, since the data the instrument spits out are already comma-seperated for each log-input.
Matlab handles these files pretty well, but this will be a post for another time.
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